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Barbarian Sword

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History, legends, and films (Conan) remind us of the Slavic, German, and Frank origin tribes that, from the third century to the eighth century, devastated the land of Europe, conquering even Rome. Called the "Barbarians" due to their uncivilized customs, this term happened to reach diabolical connotations for their rude and savage nature. The Barbarian sword, bronze finished with a blood grooved blade, depicts a winged two-headed dragon. In a world where strength was the law, Barbarian swords were robust and powerful, a symbol of authority and respect. This group of tribes ruled in a fragmented way and lacked a strong political organization in Europe until the beginning of Charlemagne's empire. 

Total length: 116 cm
Weight: 1.8 kg
Blade: AISI 440 Stainless Steel
Edge: Blunt

All dimensions are approximate and may vary from piece to piece.

History, legends, and films (Conan) remind us of the Slavic, German, and Frank origin tribes that, from the third century to the eighth century, devastated the land of Europe, conquering even Rome. Called the "Barbarians" due to their uncivilized customs, this term happened to reach diabolical connotations for their rude and savage nature. The Barbarian sword, bronze finished with a blood grooved blade, depicts a winged two-headed dragon. In a world where strength was the law, Barbarian swords were robust and powerful, a symbol of authority and respect. This group of tribes ruled in a fragmented way, and lacked a strong political organization in Europe until the beginning of Charlemagne's empire.
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Specification Total length: 116 cm Weight: 1.8 kg Blade: AISI 440 Stainless Steel Edge: Blunt All dimensions are approximate and may vary from piece to piece.
Edge Blunt
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