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Club Orders


If you are a member of a recognised HEMA or Re-enactment group or organisation then you may be entitled to a discounted club price. Just follow the steps below and you’ll be getting a discounted rate before long.

1) Your group has to be registered with us. We need the head of your group to contact us with a list of members of your group.

2) You then need to set up an account on our site. This will only take a few minutes.

3) Contact us (email or phone) to let us know you have registered and tell us which group you are a member of.

4) We will then send you a confirmation email with a discount code for use on our site.


What is a “recognised” HEMA or Re-enactment club exactly?

If you are a member of one of the large umbrella groups such as HEMAC or NARES then your club would be deemed as “recognised”.

We do understand that not all groups are affiliated with the larger umbrella groups for one reason or another. If your club isn’t, we would like some evidence that you are a “real” club such as a website or insurance document.

If you are still unsure, please contact our Sales Team for further clarification.


What products can I get a discount on?

HEMA Groups

If you have carried out all of the steps above and have been accepted on to our Club Discount Scheme then you will be eligible for a discount on the HEMA gear here.

Re-enactment Groups

If you have carried out all of the steps above and have been accepted on to our Club Discount Scheme then you will be eligible for a discount on the Re-enactment gear here.

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