HEMA Group Member Discount
You may be entitled to a discounted club price on selected HEMA products. If you are a group leader looking to register your group for a discount, follow the 'GROUP LEADER' instructions below. For group members wondering how to receive a discount, refer to the 'GROUP MEMBERS' instructions below.
Group Leader
Contact us by email or phone to provide evidence that you are a legitimate group. Tell us what club you belong to, and provide a website or Facebook page link. We can then assign your club an ID number to be used by you and your group members.
Group Member
To register for the club discount you must have a personal account with us. If you do not already have a personal account, please sign up through www.theknightshop.com.
Ask the club leader for your group's specified club number, as this will be used to authorise discount on your personal account. Once you have your club ID number please contact us by email or phone so the discount can be applied.
Finally, we will send you a welcome email to confirm that the discounts have been added to your personal account.
*If you are a member of one of the large umbrella groups such as HEMAC or the BHFS then your club would be deemed as “recognised”.
**We do understand that not all groups are affiliated with the larger umbrella groups for one reason or another. If your club isn’t, we would like some evidence that you are a “real” club such as a website or insurance document.
You need to be logged in and registered with us as a HEMA Club Member to see the discounts on the products.
Discounts available on the following brands:
- Red Dragon
- Kingston Arms
- Universal Swords
- Windlass Steelcrafts
- DVDs
Re-enactment Group Member Discount
Sign up to 20% OFF Re-enactment approved lines from manufacturers such as GDFB and Marshal Historical.
If you are a leader looking to register your group for a discount, follow the 'GROUP LEADER' instructions below. For group members wondering how to receive a discount, refer to the 'GROUP MEMBERS' instructions below.
Group Leader
Contact us by email or phone to provide evidence that you are a legitimate group. Tell us what club you belong to, and provide a website or Facebook page link. We can then assign your club an ID number to be used by yourself and group members.
Group Member
To register for the club discount you must have a personal account with us. If you do not already have a personal account, please sign up through www.theknightshop.com.
Ask the club leader for your group's specified club number, as this will be used to authorise discount on your personal account. Once you have your club ID number please contact us by email or phone so the discount can be applied.
Finally, we will send you a welcome email to confirm that the discounts have been added to your personal account.
*If you are a member of one of the large umbrella groups such as NARES then your club would be deemed as “recognised”.
**We do understand that not all groups are affiliated with the larger umbrella groups for one reason or another. If your club isn’t, we would like some evidence that you are a “real” club such as a website, Facebook link or insurance document.
You need to be logged in and registered with us as a Re-enactment Club Member to see the discounts on the products.
Discounts available on the following brands:
- Deepeeka
- Kingston Arms
- Marshall Historical