Rhubarb Mead - 750ml
Rhubarb mead showcases the delicious pairing of honey and rhubarb. Served chilled or on the rocks, this tangy mead has the sweetness and fruitiness to pair it perfectly with blue cheese and terrines, as well as ice cream and fruit-based desserts.
ABV: 11%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
Rhubarb mead showcases the delicious pairing of honey and rhubarb. Served chilled or on the rocks, this tangy mead has the sweetness and fruitiness to pair it perfectly with blue cheese and terrines, as well as ice cream and fruit-based desserts.
ABV: 11%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
Specification | ABV: 11% |
Bestseller | No |