Christmas Mead - 750ml
A very special festive & rich honey wine. The finest mead gently blended with Christmas spices to make the perfectly smooth & mellow Christmas tipple.
"Fresh, alive and not cloying. Lovely gentle honey flavours and the right level of spice. Rich, pleasant mouthfeel and a light yet luxurious texture."
- 2 Star Gold 2014 from The Great Taste Awards
ABV: 11%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
A very special festive & rich honey wine. The finest mead gently blended with Christmas spices to make the perfectly smooth & mellow Christmas tipple.
"Fresh, alive and not cloying. Lovely gentle honey flavours and the right level of spice. Rich, pleasant mouthfeel and a light yet luxurious texture."
- 2 Star Gold 2014 from The Great Taste Awards
ABV: 11%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
Specification | ALCOHOL BY VOLUME (ABV) - 11% |
Bestseller | No |