Apothecary Signature Mead - 500ml
Signature is a Traditional Honey Mead showcasing Welbeck Honey, raw, filtered but unpasteurised for depth of flavour. The bees forage from Hawthorn, Lime Blossom and Sweet Chestnut Blossom on the trees lining the avenues and woodlands of this historic English Stately Home nestled in the ancient Sherwood Forest.
The esters from the honey produce almost sandalwood and definite lime hints. Light golden amber in colour and medium sweet, this brew is the mead from which all of our other brews originated. It is our signature blend. Presented in a tall squared off Apothecary clear glass bottle to showcase tone and clarity.
ABV: 10%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
Signature is a Traditional Honey Mead showcasing Welbeck Honey, raw, filtered but unpasteurised for depth of flavour. The bees forage from Hawthorn, Lime Blossom and Sweet Chestnut Blossom on the trees lining the avenues and woodlands of this historic English Stately Home nestled in the ancient Sherwood Forest.
The esters from the honey produce almost sandalwood and definite lime hints. Light golden amber in colour and medium sweet, this brew is the mead from which all of our other brews originated. It is our signature blend. Presented in a tall squared off Apothecary clear glass bottle to showcase tone and clarity.
ABV: 10%
Please note that due to restrictions imposed by our couriers we are unable to send alcohol outside the U.K. Please do not order if you live outside the U.K.
Specification | ABV: 10% |
Bestseller | No |